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Tips to surviving an ASQA Audit

Updated: 6 days ago

If you are reading this blog, it's likely that you and your RTO about to go through or are close to going through and ASQA audit.

ASQA is focussed on cleaning up the RTO sector, eliminating the unethical operators who jumped in when they saw a quick and easy dollar to be made from the government's cash splash. Now, this is a great thing for the credibility of the Private RTO Sector but, not great when you consider the collateral damage that the numerous, and very public, closures of these non-compliant and often unscrupulous operators is to the sector as whole.

TIP 1.

Make sure that you are reviewing your compliance monthly and getting compliance support from subject matter experts. Adhering to the standards and requirements of operating a RTO are the foundation of running a successful, profitable and credible RTO.

TIP 2.

There are NO Shortcuts. Don't fall in to the trap of listening or taking advice from the plethora of individuals that take to social media and business forums to promote how they beat ASQA. These individuals are not in it for the good of the sector, the owners, the students or the staff. They are in it for themselves.

We are now seeing a large number of RTOs coming to BlueEdge that have tried to shortcut their way to compliance, taken advice and services from these unscrupulous individuals and are in a world of difficulty with ASQA and likely to be closed.

TIP 3.

Grow and be passionate about the sector OR get out. Great RTOs, successful RTOs, grow because they and their leadership teams are passionate about education and what they impart to their students. Don't hire trainers based on the cheapest available. Don't look for the cheapest support. If you do, this may cost you your business and more.

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